Reason #1 to Come to the HBC Glasgow Open House

Scott Hamilton

by Scott Hamilton on Friday, 7th June 2013

Someone once said that people are looking for two things- community and mission. Whether that is entirely true is up for grabs but there probably is a sense where people want other people to share their lives with and to know that their life is making some kind of impact. The reality is that such places where both of those things collide are often difficult to identify. The local church is meant to be that kind of place, a place of community created by God and mission for the glory of God.

The thing we often lose sight of when we think about community and mission is that we can very easily fall into it being about MY sense of belonging and MY sense of purpose. When it becomes what we can get rather than what we can give then is ceases to be about community and mission and has become more about catering for me. Our city desperately needs people who will sacrifice consumerism in favour of genuine selfless community for the glory of God. Genuine community and mission are by definition about giving preference to others above yourselves. That is what you are called to in the church because that is what Jesus did for you and demonstrated to you on the cross.

We would like to tell you about what community and mission look like at Harvest Bible Chapel Glasgow. So consider this an invite to an event we are having on 18 June 2013 at the Fotheringay Centre building we use on Sundays for our services (it's on Fotheringay Road, Pollokshields).

Maybe you are looking for meaningful community. By this we mean community that refuses to be at arms length from one another, that speaks about family and invests in you like family, that impresses God's Word upon your heart, seeks God's glory through your life, and reminds you of God's grace and goodness at all times.

Maybe it is a long while since you have been part of something that is passionately pursuing something greater. The temperature of our walk with God will be set, in large part, by those who we surround ourselves with. What would it look like for you to surround yourself with people who are fired up about deepening their relationship with Jesus? By this we mean no longer falling into a pattern of routine Christianity- go to church, attend some meetings, participate in a programme. How about being part of something that will spark the affection of your heart and awake the attention of your soul to Jesus so that you live for Him in a deeper way.

Our desire for our church family, our vision for this local church is ongoing life transformation. We would love for you to come and find out about how you could come and have your life be changed by being part of Harvest Glasgow. So why not come along, even if just to find out more?

So, reason number one is this: There is community and mission here for you.