
The Trinity
January 19, 2022 by Scott Hamilton
The Trinity is hard to get our heads around... and that is a good thing

The Bible
December 21, 2021 by Scott Hamilton
God's Word matters. Let's take some time to think why it is.

Take a Look Curriculum: Signposts
April 6, 2020 by Scott Hamilton
Small Group Study on John 2: 1-22

Take a Look Curriculum: Testimonies
March 30, 2020 by Scott Hamilton
Small Group Study on John 1: 19-51

Take a Look Curriculum: Present
March 23, 2020 by Scott Hamilton
Small Group Study on John 1: 10-18

Take A Look Curriculum: Beginning
March 15, 2020 by Scott Hamilton
Small Group Study on John 1: 1-9

Coronavirus Update
March 13, 2020 by Scott Hamilton
Measures regarding Coronavirus at Harvest: Weekend of 15/3

Not Enough Love And Understanding...
November 20, 2019 by Scott Hamilton
What might it look like for a husband to live with their wife in an understanding way?
Travel Update: Great Scottish Sunday 29 September
September 28, 2019 by Scott Hamilton
Help with planning your travel to church on Sunday

Character Counts
September 23, 2019 by Scott Hamilton
A new series on the Harvest Glasgow blog looking at the importance of character.

We Are Harvest Glasgow
August 18, 2019
Some numbers and thoughts of reflection on 10 years as Harvest Glasgow

Happy Birthday Harvest Glasgow
August 16, 2019 by Scott Hamilton
Counting down God's faithfulness in the first 10 years of Harvest Glasgow