Foundational Priorities

Preaching: that takes God at His Word.

Hebrews 4:12-13

We believe God’s Word has something transforming to say to you every time you open it. We believe it shows us who God is, who we are and how we ought to live in response to Him and what he has done for us in Jesus. We believe in preaching that points to salvation not self-help, and heart transformation not behaviour modification. Our aim in preaching is to seek to explain the meaning of the text, expose the reality of our hearts and exhort everyone to respond in repentant reliance upon God

Worship: that turns our hearts towards Jesus.

John 4: 23-24

We believe that our highest calling is to worship God and our biggest issues arise from our worship of things other than God. We believe that God has made worship (and sung worship in particular) a means of taking our distracted hearts and directing them towards Him. We believe that worship simultaneously needs to stand on what is true and stir our hearts to deeper affection for Jesus. Our approach to worship is content driven, contemporary in style with the goal of compelling people to turn their hearts on Jesus.

Prayer: That trusts in God's promises and provision.

Jeremiah 33:3

We believe that apart from prayer we can do nothing that is of any eternal value. We believe that God has given us prayer as His means of drawing near to Him, depending upon Him and having our lives directed by Him. We believe that prayer is a powerful thing that God uses to achieve His purposes in us first and then through us and for us after that. Forms this takes in the life of Harvest Glasgow are:

  • Pre-service prayer (Sundays @ 9:30am in the Whitefield Hall)

  • Prayer Nights (First Friday of the month in the Whitefield Hall)

  • Weeks of prayer (twice a year: January & August)

  • As well as prayer in services and in small groups

Evangelism: That talks clearly and courageously about Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:8-9

We believe that our loves matter most when we make much of Jesus. We believe that one of the primary ways that we make much of Him is by proclaiming the message of the Gospel. We believe that every believer has the opportunity and privilege to tell others about Jesus and what he has done for them. We believe that bold evangelism is one of our best expressions of worship.

Our approach to evangelism is:

  • Personal evangelism

  • Providing opportunities to engage the local community

  • Pursuing opportunities for service (mercy ministry in particular)

Disciple-making: That trains hearts to live for God's glory.

Hebrews 10:24-25

We believe that God’s purpose for the church is to make disciples by which we mean people who follow Jesus with all their heart and soul. We believe that the priority of the church should be to serve the growth of people in their knowledge of God, godly character and the kind of life that magnifies God’s worth.

We believe that disciple-making happens best in community and that it is in the community of the local church that God seeks to grow us and calls us to serve.

Our approach to disciple making is... well actually we want everything we do to be about making disciples. When it comes to the content of our services, the purpose of our ministries, the conversations we have, how we serve with one another, how we serve with one another and everything else we can think of we want to ask the question... how will this make disciples? How will this train hearts to love for God’s glory?