Reason #3 to Come to the HBC Glasgow Open House

by Scott Hamilton on Tuesday, 18th June 2013
The day has arrived! Tonight is our Open House at Harvest Bible Chapel Glasgow. We would really love for you to come along and have been posting some reasons to come along over the past week here on our blog. In case you missed it here are
We wanted to give you one last reason to come along ahead of this evening. We recognise that what we have already said about the desire for community and mission and about the longing for life-transforming time in God's Word alongside passionate worship may already be being fulfilled in your life where you are. We are glad if you have found a place where there are people who are running just as hard and fast after Jesus as you want to. We are excited if the church you belong to is in full-on, all-in, everyone together pursuit of a life that brings glory to God. We want to rejoice with anyone who has found a church home like that- we would love to meet you and find out more about your church. But that's not the reason we would like you to come along tonight.
The reason is this- we would love to have you find out how to better pray for us. Tonight we would love to be able to share with you a bit about who we are and what we are doing so that your prayers for us might be informed by knowing what we look like, sound like and the kind of things we are excited about. It really is that simple... we believe firmly in the power of prayer, so we want people to come along and find out how to pray for us.
So, reason number three is this: Tonight is not just about how to be part of Harvest Glasgow but how to pray for Harvest Glasgow.