Summer Prayer Groups

by Scott Hamilton on Thursday, 27th June 2013
At Harvest Glasgow we are gearing up for a summer of prayer. We are excited to see how God will use our prayers as we gather together to cry out to Him for our city, our families, our church and our nation. This will take the shape of fortnightly gatherings on top of our ongoing weekend warriors prayer updates which inform people's individual prayers. We would love for you to join with us as we lean upon the Lord for things of great importance and urgency. Details of venues will be available through notices on Sunday, by contacting your small group leader or by emailing [email protected]. Here are the dates and prayer topics:
09/07/2013 - Evangelism
23/07/2013 - Prayer
06/08/2013 - Overflow/ Compassion Ministry
20/08/2013 - Worship
In addition the opportunity still exists if either you don't attend Harvest Glasgow to sign up for our global prayer e-mail. The first one is due to be sent out on July 1st so there is still time to be included in the very first one. This will allow you to get more specific and detailed information on how to pray for our church and our city. We would love to have you join in!