New Ministry Year Preaching Series

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 21st August 2013
Our new ministry year kicks off on Sunday morning at 10:30am. It's always an exciting time as we get together with a sense of anticipation about what God will do in the coming year. This year is no different. Tomorrow we will do the big reveal of our theme for the year. Today, though we wanted to give you a bit of a teaser by unveiling three of the preaching series we will be spending time in. We really hope you can join us in the year to come.
More Than- Romans 8
1 September- 13 October
Join us as we spend seven weeks in Romans 8 unpacking some very specific ways that the Gospel applies to your life. We want to press home the full implications of the cross upon your heart, to help you see the full extent of God's love for you and His provision for you through Jesus.
Called Further: Acts 13-20
27 October- 8 December
Picking up from where we left Acts a year and a half ago (the audio from our Unstoppable series on Acts 2-12 is available by clicking here) we see that our faith is not a stay at home faith but a call to heroic faith. It involves us moving out and stepping out for God's glory. We won't always feel heroic but we will always have God's help.Out of the Ordinary- The Sermon on the Mount
29 December- 13 April
What does the Gospel like in real life? How does what happened on the cross help us to make sense of some difficult decisions or issues and help us make things right with difficult people? That is what we are called to do and Jesus lays it right out for us in Matthew 5-7.