Sunday Snapshot

by Scott Hamilton on Saturday, 7th September 2013
It's always great to come into a Sunday full tilt from a week of prayer. I am very excited to be together as church tomorrow and to carry on our series 'More Than' in Romans 8. Are you planning on coming along? It's worth having a read at Romans 8: 12-17 in preparation. It's an amazing text and will really help us as we work through this series of seven things that we too readily forget about the Gospel. Also we will have the next installment of 'Reading Romans with Rosey'- you don't want to miss that.
Eager as well about the songs we will be singing. Some great truth for us to share in song together. Here is this week's list. Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning. In particular check out the song at the botttom which we will be using for the first time on Sunday.