Message Notes: Matthew 6: 1-4

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 19th February 2014
Righteousness is an activity, it is something you do as a characteristic of the someone you are.
Beware doing something because you think it will gain us credit with them or saying something because we hope it will boost credibility with them .
When we pursue a human audience we diminish the nature of our adoption. It reveals an identity crisis… a lack of satisfaction with being a child of the God of Heaven… a lack of confidence that He offers something immeasurably greater.
I cannot serve the praises of Jesus while I am seeking the praises of people.
When I boast in myself instead of God I belittle the grace that I am constantly receiving from God.
I have been approved by God why would I have any apprehension about what anyone else would think of me.
Too often we seek to please those who struggle to make their breakfast more than the One who made the entire universe.
Out of the ordinary life is striving to show Jesus is great not show everyone how good I am.
The purpose of your life is not that you would be famous but that you would be fruitful as a mark of faith in God
If life is like pass the parcel the praise of men is like the kid who thinks that the wrapping paper is the prize until they see what the kid who waited has got.