Message Notes: Matthew 6: 5-8

by Scott Hamilton on Thursday, 27th February 2014
Messed up priority in prayer is preferring to stand before people than stay close to your saviour .
Adjusting our schedule to make prayer a priority is evidence that our adoption is significant to us.
Jesus is encouraging us to get that kind of do not disturb time with our Heavenly Father.
God rewards in secret: the rewards of a close personal relationship with God are not the stuff of outer wealth but inner worth.
Relationship is not the weight of words you offer but the worth you ascribe to the One who those words are offered to
Volume of words does not make God volunteer more. God hearing you is more about what is going on in your heart towards Him
Stop trying to talk God into submission. Instead talk to God knowing He is worthy of your submission.
When you are pretending about what is real between you & God you are preventing yourself from receiving the benefits of a true relationship between you & God.