Message Notes: Matthew 6: 16-18

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 12th March 2014
A primary barrier to to a sense of belonging to God is busyness.
We fill our time with things that empty us. Jesus is pointing us to fasting which is creating an empty space so we can be filled.
Fasting is not a special diet or proving your spiritual piety but finding a place where your soul can be made quiet before the Lord.
Fasting is not about getting attention from others but setting my affection on Jesus
The problem with a religion that depends on me is that is that it is impossible for me to provide a defence for me.
Repentance that has concern for reputation is not real.
The attention of people around you will taste sweet for a while. The affection of God will be sweet forever.
The ultimate purpose of fasting is that it would set our attention upon Him by waging an assault on everything that competes with Him for our affection.
Fasting is designed to strip away other things in order that you might be reminded of how spectacularly awesome Jesus is