Message Notes: Easter Edition

by Scott Hamilton on Tuesday, 22nd April 2014
Good Friday
Lord, Lord… did I not. We trot out a list of achievements without recognising that the action is not the problem but the attitude behind it is.
When I make assumptions about my morality it actually underlines my depravity. I live like I don’t need God.
Too often hope is built on my personal achievements not personal relationship, on my merit not His mercy or on my credentials not His cross.
When God says ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ God hasn’t forgotten who they are… they have just refused to acknowledge who God is.
The cross stands as a reminder that all of us deserved to be banished by God.
Jesus was rejected so that we can be received by God, He was forsaken so that we can be forgiven by God, Jesus was cursed so that we are presented clean before God.
Easter Sunday
You are crying out for the kind of authority that overcomes your fear, that overwhelms your failure, that oversees you becoming part of God’s family forever.
Life is often a series of small storms to help us identify or diagnose our eternal foundations
The defining characteristic of the life that stands is what it is established upon.
In a world of diversity, things are not as diverse as we often think. Jesus says there are two types of people. Those who build their life on Him and those who don’t.
The fruit of a life built somewhere other than God’s Word is frustration, futility & fear.
What Jesus says is that whatever you make your foundation will either be found eternity proof or it won’t. When you choose your foundation you are also choosing your forever