Message Notes: Luke 17: 1-19

by Scott Hamilton on Tuesday, 29th July 2014
The sincerity of my faith is made obvious by what my life is focused upon.
Much of the dissatisfaction, distress, disappointment, dysfunction we experience comes when we put our trust in something that is a god of our own making rather than the God who made us.
'Faith is believing that Christ is what He is said to be, and that He will do what He has promised to do, and then to expect this of Him.' Spurgeon
Temptation encourages us to forget who Jesus is, to doubt His capability & sufficiency & to disbelieve that He will do what He has promised.
Sin is in essence believing the claims of something other than Jesus to be more credible than Jesus and banking your life on it.
The test of the hold that temptation has on you is whether you leave the place of sin or linger. Lingering when you could leave is a sign that you love the sin.
You tend to have more influence than you think. What you model has the capacity to mould the life on another person. How are you using your influence?
Live in such a manner as does nt lead others into sin, rather leads them to the saviour.
Faith is not content to see someone frittering their life away on faulty idols, nor is it forgetful of what it has received.
We need a big view of God if we are going to live in such a way as honours Jesus, helps people draw close to Jesus & treats others like we have been treated by Jesus.
Your admission of weakness puts you in a place to benefit from His willingness. It’s time to be honest about that weakness and worship Him by admitting your need of His help.
Satisfaction in God comes from looking at God’s Word and seeing who He is, looking at the cross and seeing what he has done, and looking at our lives to see how we can give our all to Him.
There is this pattern in scripture that those who understand themselves to be forgiven much are the one’s who love most.