5 to Chew On- God's Sovereignty
by Scott Hamilton on Thursday, 18th September 2014
I have learned to kiss the wave that drives me against the Rock of Ages. Charles Spurgeon
Divine sovereignty is not the sovereignty of a tyrannical Despot, but the exercised pleasure of One who is infinitely wise and good! Because God is infinitely wise He cannot err, and because He is infinitely righteous He will not do wrong. A. W. Pink
God’s sovereignty is always to His people in wisdom and in love. This is the difference between sovereignty in God and sovereignty in man. We dread the sovereignty of man, because we have no security of its being exercised in mercy, or even justice: we rejoice in the sovereignty of God, because we are sure it is always exercised for the good of his people. Alexander Carson
How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none. Eternal years lie in His heart. For Him time does not pass, it remains; and those who are in Christ share with Him all the riches of limitless time and endless years. God never hurries. There are no deadlines against which He must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves. A. W. Tozer
Amid all the apparent defeats and inconsistencies of life God actually moves on in undisturbed majesty. Lorraine Boettner