Staying Teachable

by Scott Hamilton on Tuesday, 10th March 2015
On Sunday we spent some time looking at Teachability. This was the first of ten marks of maturity that we will be looking at as we travel through 1 Corinthians. Having room to grow means recognising it and doing something about it. Below are 6 signs you might have a lack of teachability creeping in or crippling you and five questions to help you diagnose it further:
You avoid places where people can speak into your life
You blame shift and have tendency to retaliate or resent in the face of correction.
You talk a lot about yourself and your opinion and day dream or dismiss when others are talking
You can’t remember the last time you felt convicted of sin or challenged to change
You’ve stopped seeking godly counsel or inviting external Christian influence into your life.
You don’t read your Bible with a sense of need
When did you last study (not just read) God’s Word?
When did you last read a book that would aid your Christian growth?
When did you last listen to a sermon apart from a Sunday morning?
Why are you reluctant to sign up for extra curricular discipleship material?
What makes you reticent to commit to the local church?