Summer at Harvest Glasgow

by Scott Hamilton on Friday, 26th June 2015
We are building up to an exciting summer at Harvest. We wanted to let you know some of the things that are going on over the next couple of months at our Sunday services:
Our Elders are starting what is going to be a rolling series on the book of James. Each time someone from our church family preaches it will be the next installment. We are excited to see all that the Lord will do with this in our lives.
28 June Russell Hamilton
5 July Russell Hamilton
12 July Mark Hardy
We will then be spending three Sundays looking at what God's Word has to say about prayer. The series will be entitled 'Calling Out: Holding onto a God who Hears'
19 July The Mystery of Prayer Luke 18: 9-14
26 July The Model of Prayer John 17
2 August The Miracle of Prayer Hebrews 7: 23-25
9 August will see the return to Harvest Glasgow of Pastor Doug Helmer from Harvest Bible Chapel Indianpolis West. We are excited to have he and Karen visit with us along with a group from their church who are on holiday here in Scotland.
Then last, and by no means least, 16 August will be our 6th birthday service. Those are great Sundays of worship and time in God's Word with the extra bonus of time together in the afternoon sharing testimony and more time worshipping.
We really hope that you can join us for some or all of those services.