New Series Starts This Sunday

by Scott Hamilton on Friday, 17th July 2015
After a great few weeks with our Elders beginning a journey through the book of James we start a new series on Psalm 51. We might talk about repentance but often our experience and practice of it is short of what God means in His Word by it. Repentance is a word that is designed to help us take our brokenness seriously and to find the help that we need. It describes a change of direction and new way of thinking about our lives.
The invitation to repent is, quite simply, an invitation from God to 'Come Home.' Maybe that is something that would be helpful for you to think about... we certainly see that God makes a priority of it in His Word for us. So join us for three weeks looking at what God's Word has to say about getting right with God
If you haven't been to Harvest before this would be a great Sunday to start as we start this series 'Come Home: Moved by Mercy.'