The Harvest Bookshelf: Marriage

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 16th December 2015
People are often asking what books I would recommend (or not) on different topics. My theory is that most people will do well to read twelve books in the year, many would find six books their limit and in practice three books in the year is even a daunting target. But reading is an important tool in helping you to grow. The secret to reading is to read. the more you read the better you get at it.
Setting some targets (now is the time to begin thinking about that for the New Year right?!) is vital. So what we will do is offer three books with a short review and then one book that we haven't read which we think looks good and comes well recommended. Most likely a combination of all the books will serve you best.
Here are three books on marriage:
When Sinners Say I Do- Dave Harvey
This is an excellent and readable book that explores the challenge that the respective hearts fo the husband and wife bring to marriage. It is probably still the most helpful book on marriage that I have read and is very helpful at weaving the Gospel into our understanding of what a healthy marriage looks like.
Suggestion: Buy it and read it together
Dudes Guide to Marriage- Darrin Patrick
This book offers something slightly different as it sets out some more practical issues around marriage. Primarily aimed in the first instance for husbands the value is more in the discussions it will bring about as a result of the topics dealt with and excellent questions at the end of each chapter. It is a bit lighter on the Bible than we would ideally like but as a resource to get you discussing your marriage I think it has a part to play. As such it is a more unusual recommendation but one we hope will be of help.
Suggestion: Buy it for the questions and actually have those conversations
Mingling of Souls- Matt Chandler
Another book that places a high premium on applying the Gospel to ourselves within marriage. Rooted in Song of Solomon (in a helpful way) he explores our personal heart responsibilty in marriage.
Suggestion: Read it and pray through it.
Worth considering? What did you expect- Paul Tripp