3 Ways to Get the Most From Our New Series

by Scott Hamilton on Monday, 25th April 2016
Yesterday we started a new series on the book of Job. We want you to
get the most out of our series so thought we would give you some
pointers on how to best get to grips with this series. In some ways this
is advice that would serve you with whatever series we are working
1. Track with the sermon audio if you miss a message or have a
relisten when things have challenged or encouraged you to think more
about it. You can listen our first message or catch up on our online
sermon archive by following this link.
2. Bring a Bible and have it open. At points in this series we are
going to be working through some longer sections of scripture. It will
be helpful for you to be able to turn with us and look for yourself at
what God's Word has to say. Being able to do that for yourself will be
useful in allowing you to keep track with what we are talking about.
3. Read ahead. This is going to be pretty important. For the next three
weeks we will be in chapters 3-31. That is a lot for you to get your
head round if you are unfamiliar with Job or haven't read it for a
while. Our suggestions would be to divide the chapters into five and
make the decision to set aside time each day to read a few chapters.
Reading five or six chapters a day will allow you to cover all that we
are likely ot be looking at together on a Sunday and allow you to get
the most of it from a place of familiarity.
We are so excited to see how the Lord will use this series in your
life and hope that these suggestions only serve to increase its impact.