You Can't Wait Because You Don't Hope

by Scott Hamilton on Tuesday, 24th May 2016
Are you good at waiting? In reality most of us are not good at this. Plagued by impatience and often undermined by undue urgency we struggle with our desire for instanct gratification, that which will satisfy us soonest. I wonder what sort of wait-er are you.
Are you a watch-watcher? Always trying to measure progress. Nervously glancing or impatiently grimacing at some metaphorical time piece that represents how long you have been waiting for what you want. You twitchily watch time pass wondering what it is going to take to let you take hold of what your heart teasures most at that time.
Are you a control-taker? Always trying to seize momentum. Grabbing things by the scruff of the neck or exploring other options to get you to where you want to be or to deliver what you desire most. You are alive to every short-cut, gear shift or shoving technique that might get you to where you think you deserve/desire/demand (delete as appropriate) you deserve to be.
Are you a quiet-quitter? Ready to give up on the thing that you want because you are having to wait. You float from one goal or ambition or target to another in quick succession like a purpose drifting butterfly because you worry that what you are wating on isn't worth it. You live life preoccupied by the worry that if you are having to wait you might be missing something better.
Here is the reality. You can't wait because you don't hope. The thing you hope in is the things that helps you to wait. The conviction that something is worth waiting for is what provides the confidence to actually do the waiting. Our purpose prematurity comes about because we assume our time-plan is better or allow the delay to distract us.
Lamentations 3: 25 says that 'the Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. The ability to wait flows from where we see and find worth. If we think that something is worth it. Whether a plan or a purpose or a promise we will wait. The point is simply this. God is worth waiting for. His plans, purposes and promises are more powerful and precious than ours, so we should pause before moving onto something else or choosing to prize something else through some lack of patience.
The big question then remains, who/what is it that you are waiting for? You can't wait because you don't hope. Pause, persevere, pray for God's promises are most precious and His purposes are perfect.