In a Change to the Advertised Schedule...

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 12th October 2016
We hope that our 'How My LIfe Works' series has been helpful to you. While we believe that God has a transforming message for you every week as we open His Word together we are keen for you to now when might be a particularly relevant Sunday for you to come and attend during this series. To that end here is the updated preaching calendar:
16 October
Psalm 46
Worried Sick
23 October
30 October
Proverbs 28: 18-22
Working 9 to 5
6 November
Titus 2: 1-6
Wedded Bliss (marriage)
13 November
How church works
Col. 3: 1-11
Sharing Life
20 November
Col. 3: 12-15
Showing Grace
27 November
Col. 3: 16-17
Shouldering Kingdom Responsibility
We really hope you can join us and find the help you need and the hope you lack as we hear together from God's Word.