Are You Feeling Lost?
by Scott Hamilton on Tuesday, 28th March 2017
When we look at our lives in moments of quiet we might often find ourselves reflecting on loss. Loss of relationship, direction, purpose or something that we had presumed would give our lives a sense of identity or fulfilment.
Or maybe the reflection is upon how lost we feel. From pillar to post, from one thing to another desperately in search of meaning. We are wandering through life wondering whether there is meaning to our lives.
Supposing you could hit pause on all of that. Supposing you had time in amongst your busyness and chaos, all your stress and searching to... just stop.
I mean, how many times in your life do you... just stop?
Good Friday is an opportunity to do that. In fact, if we take a moment to think properly about what Good Friday is all about... what happened on a hill outside Jerusalem around 2000 years ago... it should make us, well, stop.
Here is good news in the midst of loss and guidance for us when we are feeling lost. Meaning, direction, purpose and above all relationship. The offer of peace, rest, forgiveness, being made clean.
What is your loss? Where are you lost? Good Friday is about Jesus and how He came to find you and so that you can find what you are looking for from this life.
At Harvest Glasgow we are surrounded by people who know what it is to feel lost... and have realised how amazing it is to be found. We would love for you to come and join us for our Good Friday service. Maybe you will find what you have spent your life looking for.