Happy Birthday Harvest Glasgow

Scott Hamilton

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 16th August 2017

8 years ago we had our very first service as Harvest Bible Chapel Glasgow. It is hard to believe that it was so long ago in many ways yet, in others, I feel that there are so many things that I have forgotten because so much has happened.

We have seen people come to faith in Jesus, we have people come and get healthy in their walk with Jesus, people have come and stayed who we didn't expect to, some folks have left who we thought would be with us for the full course but, in all that God, has reminded us that He is security's true source.

We have used nine different buildings for services although God has been kind to bless us with two very stable and helpful locations. We have held holiday clubs and fun days and had barbecues and nights away together as a church family with feasts (mainly cake) and joy as a taste of eternity.

We have preached through 1 & 2 Samuel, Nehemiah, Job, a number of Psalms and Proverbs, with chunks of Isaiah thrown in, Joel, Jonah, Malachi, two thirds of Matthew and Acts, a lot of the latter part of Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James and Jude on Sundays. And we have grown in ways that when we look around are tangibly showing.

We have cooked meals for one another, talked real with one another, cried and laughed (a lot) with one another.

We have watched our church grow, and the kids grow to the extent that Harvest Kids is groaning at the seams. And boy, those kids are learning, if you look closely you can see their minds churning as God creates within them a growing spiritual yearning.

We have had to figure out forgiveness and how to make much of God in the mess of life. We have been privileged to carry burdens, share griefs and embrace amongst sighs. We have worked at being together in a way that reflects that God has planned this for forever.

When I started as a pastor, this is how I hoped it would be. We believe God's Word has something transforming to say to you every week and I see our church lean in, write notes, turn their pages to see what God has to say to us today, with hearts to say God have your way.

I get to see people pray with and for one another because that is what you do when the person you are speaking to is in need. And it's right there and then because God is kind enough not to make us have to wait.

I always wanted to give my life to something that would count for eternity. Now I get to do it with an entire church family who share the same longing as me.

We started with 16 people. 16 people. How can something like this grow from as little as that? It is the loaves and the fishes and God's capacity to work beyond even our greatest wishes.

So 8 years on and so in awe of all that God has done. More years of getting to do this. More lives given to unapologetic preaching, unashamed worship, unceasing prayer and unafraid witness. More weeks of being able to give our lives with one another for the glory of God above. More opportunities to remind one another that because of God's goodness to you...

You are loved.