Sunday Snapshot

Scott Hamilton

by Scott Hamilton on Friday, 30th August 2013

Last Sunday it was exciting to kick off our new ministry year, This Changes Everything. You can check out the introductory message by clicking here or subscribe to our podcast here. This Sunday we start our first series of the new ministry year. This series is called More Than and for seven weeks we are going to be working through Romans 8. It would be a great time to start coming to the church to think with us about what the Gospel really means for our day to day lives. This Sunday is Romans 8: 1-11 so why not read ahead so that you can be prepared. We are going to close out our service with communion together so please come with your heart examined and prepared before that.

As always our time of worship is vital to us. Again we are excited to be able to lift Jesus name high with one another in worship. Below are the songs we will be singing together. have a listen so that you can sing with all your heart to the Lord.




