In Pursuit of God in Prayer

by Scott Hamilton on Sunday, 1st September 2013
So the week of prayer is once again upon us and I find myself doing something I have been resisting for a long time now, writing something down about it.
Download the Week of Prayer Booklet Sept 2013 and signup for some prayer slots here.
I have been reflecting on what an encouragement the nights of prayer and the prayer weeks have been over the comparatively short life of our church, but also what a stark contrast they often are with my own/our own daily prayer lives.
So often when we think about prayer in Scripture we look to the amazing prayers of Paul in chains, David at his lowest ebb or even Christ Himself in the garden – the hardest of times drawing the deepest felt prayers. We may even look to the mountain top rejoicing prayers which fit with how we feel in the best moments of life reflecting that “every good and perfect gift comes from above” James 1:17
I firmly believe that whilst these are amazing and powerful and helpful examples of where prayer can really help us to connect with our Heavenly Father, and see His hand move in our lives, sometimes we sell prayer short by looking only to its function at times of real, desperate need or amazing, unexpected blessing.
Another example from the life of Paul is to “...pray without ceasing...” 1Thess.5:17 and I think this is the area that we convince ourselves is too hard, or unrealistic.
Scripture offers us, I believe, an insight into the real opportunity prayer gives us for truer, deeper relationship with God. We are encouraged to praise God in good times and in bad. We are assured that we have a High Priest who genuinely understands what it is to be human (Heb. 4:14-16) – everything from the amazing to the humdrum, to the heartbreaking and seemingly impossible.
Jeremiah 33:3 is one of my favourite verses and not just because it is easy to remember. We are encouraged, instructed even, to “call” to God and expect that He will answer and show us “great and hidden things that we have not known”. Again, I believe that sometimes we fool ourselves into believing that great and hidden things are only things that arise at times of crisis or decision. I don’t believe we should limit God to only being relevant in the extremes of life. I believe that any time God chooses to reveal any aspect of His plan to us, it is a great thing. However, I don’t believe that God is in the habit of revealing His plan to those who are not habitually calling to Him and seeking that closer relationship.
Scripture speak often about the importance and power of persistence. When Jeremiah 33:3 says “call”, what is meant is ‘keep calling’. When Matthew 7:7 says “Ask...Seek....Knock..” what is meant is ‘keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking’ and, of course Paul urges prayer which is a consistent attitude of heart, audible when necessary/possible but, as with Worship as much a way of life as breathing and walking. That we should through practice and disciplined commitment reach a point where God and His Glory are front and centre in our hearts, minds, speech, everything. This seems so far from where most of us are that it seems near ridiculous and not even worth beginning. Of course, that is absolutely correct if we do what we are prone to do and pursue it in our own strength. I had the privilege of opening God’s word with my church family a few months ago due to Pastor Scott being rendered speechless and I tried to pick through the armour of God from Ephesians 6 with you all. I this passage we are reminded where our strength comes from (be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might). The passage then lists the amazing provision on offer from God to help us fulfil His instructions to us. I have only a couple of regrets about what I shared that day. One is that I never really pointed out how idiotic we all are for daily choosing not to pick up the full armour and the other is that I never really pressed home that the passage is clear that the main way we access God’s strength is by a consistent/constant prayer life (V18).
So here are some challenges to me that I am sharing with you, praying that they find a place to settle in your hearts and draw you towards a closer and more meaningful prayer life which would change your relationship with God and your impact for Him in this world.
- Are you praying? If not, what do you intend to do to remedy the situation? Who in your small group can help?
- How often are you praying? Without ceasing? Daily? Weekly?
- How are you praying? Is it conducive to focussed, intentional intercession/supplication/confession/anything?
- For whom/what are you praying? Have you committed to pray for individuals? World situation? Specific individuals’ Salvation?
- Big prayers or small prayer? Do we believe that He is able to do more than we ask or imagine?
I believe that prayer is one of the hardest disciplines of the Christian walk to develop and certainly to sustain. I also believe that it has amazing power and is the key to genuinely developing a closer walk with Christ.
Will you commit with me for the duration of the week of prayer and the remainder of 2013 to genuinely pursue God in prayer trusting that as we call to Him who is Faithful, he will answer us and show us great and hidden things that we have not know.
- Russell Hamilton - Prayer Coordinator