OOOOOH No Not Again

by Scott Hamilton on Friday, 4th October 2013
I'm not sure that this is a thing... but here's my thing. I've bought a few worship albums over the summer and listened to quite a lot of worship music as part of my role as worship pastor (which is part of my larger role as Senior Pastor) at Harvest Glasgow. So is it just me or are there increased crowd-orientated, content lacking, cringe-inducing filler featuring in more and more worship music. In short I mean where have all the 'ooooohhhhs' and 'whoooaaahs' come from?
Now maybe I'm missing something and someone can give me a theology of 'ooooohhhhs' and whooooaaahs.' If that is the case then I'm definitely missing it. Let me say two things right here I love contemporary worship music and we are committed to singing songs in the style and language of everyday as long as they communicate scriptural truth and deep things about God. I also get that musicality matters and that sometimes you just need something in that space, to accompany that musical phrase- I get it. But how about coming up with something that we can sing about God and to God that is Biblical truth and experientially true.
So please Mr/Mrs/Miss worship song writer can we please do better than OOOOOOHHHH because it makes it difficult for me to excite our worship team about using your song because I'm not sure that I would be excited about having our church sing it. The Bottom line is this- using 'OOOOHHHHH' or 'whoooah' might keep the flow but it won't help our people to grow.