New Series Starting This Sunday- Called Further

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 23rd October 2013
This Sunday we are starting a brand new series entitled called Further. It is the next installment of the book of Acts which we started with our Unstoppable series at the start of 2012 (You can check out all the messages from that series by clicking here). We are praying that this will be a massively significant series in the life of our church.
We want to ask you, to make you think about, exactly what it is that you are called to. Have you thought about what is it that gives your life most meaning? God's Word teaches us that we are called to live lives that are impacted by eternity and so make an eternal impact. That is what we mean by 'Called Further.' It is that you are called further than just going to your place of enjoyment and doing your job, your purpose in being there is to help people to know Jesus. You are called further in your family than making sure that there is milk to go on your kids cheerios, your purpose in being there is to teach them to trust Jesus. Whatever you are doing with your life right now... you are 'Called Further.'