Called Further Gospel Sharing Resources

by Scott Hamilton on Tuesday, 29th October 2013
On Sunday we started our new series, 'Called Further' on Acts 13-20. You can listen to the first message by clicking here. We saw in Acts 13-14 the persistent boldness of Paul and Barnabas with the Gospel- it was pretty inspiring... and maybe intimidating. We want to help you get clear how you can share the Gospel with people by pointing you to some resources that will hopefully prove helpful.
First up is a series of blog posts we did here on our blog about five key questions:
Who is God?
What is sin?
Who is Jesus and why did He come?
What is the cross?
What must I do to be saved?
Two ways to live is a fairly straightforward format for walking someone through the Gospel. It comes complete with some illustrations and key scripture verses. Follow the link below to see the full (short) presentation:
The bridge illustration is perhaps the more familiar way of illustrating the Gospel to the people around us:
On Sunday we also looked at how Paul outlined the key aspects of responding to the Gospel in the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13). I found it pretty helpful to think that these kind of things are where I was looking to take any Gospel conversations by way of applying the message:
Jesus is God so you must worship Him (33-35).
Jesus is risen so you need fear nothing because of Him (36-37).
Jesus has paid the price so you can receive forgiveness through Him (38-39).
Jesus is Lord so you should be careful about living a life that disregards Him (40-41).