What Are Your 12 Stones?

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 27th November 2013
Thankfulness matters. In fact thankfulness is something of an attitude antidote. It is an antidote to selfishness, pride, grumbling and complaining and a variety of other tendencies and traits that are no good for our hearts. There is much health of soul to be gained by seeking to cultivate a pattern of saying thank you. It brings a certain lightness to our spirit to look outside of ourselves for the source of contentment, joy and satisfaction. Thankfulness attributes worth and value and glory in something outside of me.
This morning I was spending some time in Joshua 4 and was struck by how Israel expressed their thankfulness to God for all that He has done for them. They took twelve stones and used each one to underline how thankful to God they were for all that God had done for them. So, this morning I did something different in my journal. I noted down twelve things that I am thankful to God for, I made a list of my twelve stones. Why don't you take some time, make a cup of tea and write down what your twelve stones are too?