Sunday Snapshot

by Scott Hamilton on Friday, 29th November 2013
We just want to check, December starts on Sunday... so is it ok for us to start singing some Christmas songs? We know that most shops have been playing 'I wish it could be Christmas everyday' like they really believe it... even in July. But we have held off so that we can gather to begin to build in excitement towards the time of year (Christmas) when we marvel that God would send His Son to live on Earth as a man in order that He might save us (Easter).
Before we do that we have two more weeks left of our 'Called Further' series. On Sunday we will be spending time in Acts 19. We would love it if you would take some time to read it over the weekend so that you come along with a bit of preparation under your belt for hearing from God's Word. We are also going to have a child dedication where we encourage families to commit their way to the Lord, and share some promise and instruction from God's Word with their child.
So back to the songs. Here is the list of songs we will be singing on Sunday. Have a listen and come ready to sing: