5 to Chew On- Testimony

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 6th May 2015
God has no more precious gift to a church or an age than a man who lives as an embodiment of his will, and inspires those around him with the faith of what grace can do. Andrew Murray
Throughout the world, in nation after nation, men and women have died for their Christian faith. The very least we can do is live for our faith. Unknown
A man’s life is always more forcible than his speech. When men take stock of him they reckon his deeds as dollars and his words as pennies. If his life and doctrine disagree the mass of onlookers accept his practice and reject his preaching. C. H. Spurgeon
The Greek word translated "example" is tupos, which means model, image, or pattern… When you set an example, you are giving people a pattern to follow. Someone once said, "Your life speaks so loud I can't hear what you say." Your lifestyle is your most powerful message. John MacArthur
The Christian is a person who makes it easy for others to believe in God. Robert Murray McCheyne