What We Are Singing This Sunday...

by Scott Hamilton on Friday, 29th May 2015
This is a picture of what the Harvest Glasgow worship centre looks like right now. On Sunday morning though it will be different. Many will gather to lift high the name of Jesus in worship as we sing to Him and hear from His Word. We really hope that you can join us.
Below are the songs we are singing on Sunday. Some folks ask us from time to time why we let people know what we are singing. Here are three reasons:
1. If someone is visiting there is a good chance at least some of the songs we sing will be unfamiliar. So if you are visiting we want to help you to worship with us.
2. Often we are introducing a new song. It is helpful for us to have a context to let you have a listen to the words and melody so that you can join in.
3. Sometimes it is just good to have a better soundtrack for the weekend.