Harvest Bookshelf- Jerry Bridges

Scott Hamilton

by Scott Hamilton on Wednesday, 9th March 2016

I still remember the first proper Christian book I ever read. I grew up on Narnia and other children's books with a Christian sub-plot but the Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges is the first book that I started and finished. Ever since then I have loved books by him, struck by how straightforward his writing was and gripped by the grace that his books presented.

Jerry Bridges died on Sunday. There are a couple of fitting tributes here and here.

In the meantime here are three books we would recommend by Jerry Bridges:

Thoroughly practical look at the issue of trusting God in the midst of trial. A superbly pastoral book that undelrines the grace of God that is avaialble to us when life is not good.

Deliberately sets out to confront the things we tend to sweep under the carpet or minimise with excuses. This has been one of the most helpful and influential books in our church (in fact two of our small groups are studying it right now).

His first book. Small in size, short in length but profound in impact. A classic. Must read... none of them cliches in this case. Really, you should read it.

Also, maybe consider Who am I? Identity in Christ. Only £1.40 on Kindle today via the link.