Happy Birthday Harvest Glasgow

by Scott Hamilton on Thursday, 16th August 2018
9 years ago today Harvest Glasgow's first church service took place. 9 years! Here is our first photo of some of those involved with us back then (including a team of folks from Harvest Bible Chapel Houston). All that seems a long time ago...
Since that day God has proven Himself to be so faithful to us. He carefully nurtured and grew the church. The gradual nature of our growth was a grace. It allowed us to care for one another and to develop the shape of the church and those who would lead the church without being crushed under the weight of a volume of people that would have made that impossible.
Back then we talked about how the church was something worth giving your life to as a central aspect of a life belonging to Jesus. We talked about how 'all it takes is all you have.' The last 9 years have seen Jesus proving His promise to build His church. Invariably when God calls us to something what we pay is so much less than what he provides. God has proven the old adage that He is 'no man's debtor.' Whatever we have given has proven to be entirely worth it, but that shouldn't surprise us because He is worthy.
We are thankful that as the church has changed and grown God has never changed. He has provided in amazing ways. He has brought people eager to grow and serve and longing for a deeper walk with Jesus. He has provided us with an amazing building which far exceeded our expectations. He is bringing new people to gather with us and to grow with us. He is changing people and transforming lives. So here's to year 10. Colossians, Exodus and 2 Corinthians await us as we ponder what it means to be focused, free and fearless disciples of Jesus Christ. We would love you to come and join us as we walk through all of that together.
You are loved.